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Your support makes a world of difference—thank you for helping us build a stronger, more compassionate community.

  • Vanden Heuvel

    Jenny Vanden Heuvel lost her fight with cancer after a hard fought, valiant battle. Now, her husband Dave is left with three little ones while grieving the loss of his best wife and best friend and mother to the boys. Your donation will help him breathe a little as they try and navigate the days ahead. The Vanden Heuvel family greatly appreciates any support you can give. If there are any funds left over, they will be put towards the boys future education.


  • Brett Jedwabny

    On July 9th, Brett Jedwabny suffered a horrible accident at his home involving a power washer. He received life-saving treatment locally and was transported to Children's Hospital in Milwaukee. He has undergone surgery and will undergo more to save his life.

    We as family, friends, and community must hold Nicole, Tyler, and Grant in our constant prayers and unbounding love to keep them strong for Brett. One way we can all do this is to support them financially so they can solely focus on Brett and his care.

    Please consider donating if you are able and continue offering prayers to our Heavenly Father seeking his healing touch on Brett and his granting of strength to his family.

    Thank you all and God Bless.


  • Quinn & Family

    We are seeking support to provide Quinn with a life-saving medical alert service dog and help cover ongoing medical expenses. Quinn, diagnosed with a rare brain tumor in December 2021 at the age of 3, faces numerous lifelong conditions, including Optic nerve and chiasm damage, growth hormone deficiency, Hypothyroidism, and adrenal insufficiency. A trained service dog would greatly assist her by detecting low cortisol levels and other emergencies before they become life-threatening, as well as carrying essential medical information and medication. #QUINNSTRONG


  • Matthies Family

    Jodi Matthies was diagnosed with breast cancer in April. She had surgery in May and is currently having chemotherapy treatment through November, which will be followed with Radiation.


  • Kautz Family

    The Kautz's son, Ryland, is battling brain cancer (DMG). Two months ago, on July 21st, they noticed concerning symptoms in Ryland, leading to his diagnosis. The news that it was a high-grade glioma was devastating, but love and encouragement have been invaluable to them as they face this challenge.

    Currently, Ryland is undergoing radiation therapy, and they're exploring clinical trials to fight this tumor.

    We hope to raise enough funds to help them in this journey full of travel expenses, medical bills, and potential lost wages. Keep them in your thoughts with us for Ryland's healing and strength during this battle.


  • Elliot Family

    Four years ago, Jamie Elliott courageously fought BRCA1 Breast Cancer, while raising two small toddlers and creating a home for her new family. Sadly, Jamie finds herself battling cancer a second time. This time, she is fighting colorectal cancer. As she faces chemo, radiation and potential surgeries while raising and homeschooling 6 and 7 year old boys, the daunting financial struggle has resumed.

    We ask that you consider joining Jamie and her husband Matt in prayer, friendship, and finances to help her overcome cancer a second time. We hope to help Jamie raise enough money to cover her out-of-pocket medical expenses and help her meet other financial needs that accompany this battle.

    As Jamie is a women of faith, we finally ask that you would pray for her recovery in this trying time. Thank you in advance for caring about Jamie, her family, and helping in any way that you feel.


  • Gritzuk Family

    Starting with Paisley being rushed down to Milwaukee and having her shunt malfunctioning. Having to have multiple stays at Children's, Mri's and being in ICU. She was finally able to come home and was doing so well when Ashley ended up in the Hospital for 5 days with sepsis and fighting a horrible infection in her blood and brain. All while having to be away from her children and husband. Again last night Paisley started to get headaches and go back down to Milwaukee for ANOTHER surgery. Ashley could not go with being so weak, from being just hospitalized.

    Both Josh and Ashley have the biggest hearts and are amazing parents to their 3 children. But the burdens of what God has made them go thru the past 1.5 months has been so much. They have both had to travel back and forth. They have used up all of their Vacation at work. These funds will be used to help them stay afloat while Ashley is unable to work right now. To be able to provide for their 3 beautiful children and make sure they can pay their bills.

    Anything helps. Please pray for this beautiful family.

    Paisley is back in Milwaukee again 6/16 again undergoing another surgery today 6/18 She was home for a Meer month and a half of normalcy with her family until her shunt malfunctioned again.. this family has been thru so much and torn apart so much in the past few months. 


  • Hartwig Family

    Jill Hartwig was diagnosed with breast cancer on 9/26. Jill will undergo surgery on 10/17. After surgery Jill will be very limited to the activities she can perform and a long road of recovery ahead. The Hartwig is a family of four and always helping ours while getting it done. They are why we exist…a hard working family that is the center of our community and awesome people!


  • Kihl Family

    Around Christmas time last year, Ginny Kihl was feeling really weak. She was admitted into a Milwaukee hospital. She was fighting Sepsis, Kidney failure and liver failure. For several weeks, Her Husband Kevin was taking a daily trip to Milwaukee to see her. Her children traveled there as well. Ghosttown Foundation gave a donation to help with the gas and other expenses. Ginny was getting better every day. Unfortunately, she had a stroke and passed away.


  • Greg Schoettler Family

    Chris' wife has been battling several forms of Cancer for the last 3 years. She can no longer work and he misses a lot of work taking her various appointments. The foundation gave them money to help with bills to help get through the day to day life. 


  • Dave VanGroll

    Dave and his wife Ellen are both Kaukauna community members, who had to endure a very hard patch in 2022. 

    Dave had surgery on June 7th to remove blockage in his nasal and unfortunately they found a lesion in his throat that was cancer. Dave got very sick from all the chemo and had to miss a lot of work. He couldn't eat and had to go through a lot of pain & inconveniences. His wife Ellen had to also take time off of work to assist in taking care of Dave. 

    They also lost a son in the past year, bringing even more pain to their family. 

    We as a foundation were so very grateful we could help them out with medical bills and everyday living expenses.


  • Warren Family

    Little “princess Lydia was developing a little bit of a beer belly so it was mentioned at her 2 yr well child visit. The Np thought it was a good idea to get an xray & ultrasound, little did the Warren family know their world was about to be turned upside down! In the midst of Covid, 2 year old Lysdia was diagnosed with Clear Cell Sarcoma of the kidney in August 2021. As part of her treatment plan, Lydia had to undergo ten rounds of chemotherapy in March, six days of radiation, kidney & tumor removal surgeries, and several hospital stays due to low counts.

    Lydia has endured everything like a champ with the help of the MACC Fund Staff, and Lydia is now on her way to recovery! 

    The Warren family is a local Kaukauna family, Where Jake & Sara have Lydia and their son Bennett.


  • Dave Haas

    Dave is 55 and was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer and his prognosis was two years to live. It is over two years and over 43 treatments later and Dave is doing awesome. He is enjoying everyday with a smile and kicking cancer and the treatments in the ass. His positive attitude get it done with a smile is an inspiration to all. Due to not being able to work and a few unexpected dental bills. GTFC foundation is kicking in ~ with a little reluctance by Dave we gave $2,500 to help pay these bills and make it a bit easier on him. Thanks Dave


  • Jovee Shae

    Jovee Shae was diagnosed with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC) when she was 3 weeks old. TSC is a rare genetic disease with only an estimated 50,000 people in the United States and one million diagnosed in the entire world.

    TSC causes benign tumors to grow in the main organs such as the heart, brain, kidneys, lungs, eyes and skin. Jovee currently has six tumors in her heart, over ten in her brain and too many in both of her kidneys to count.

    85% of people with TSC have seizures and many have some type of developmental delay. No two people with TSC are impacted the same and there is no way to predict severity or outcomes. While there is currently no cure for TSC there are scientists, medical experts and advocates who will not rest until there is.

    In November when Jovee was two months old, she became the third baby in the world to participate in the STOP2 clinical trial at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. The purpose of this study is to identify if a new formulation of the mTOR inhibitor medication called Sirolimus can be used proactively in infants with TSC to prevent seizures and stop the growth of new tumors while shrinking or at minimum maintaining the size of the tumors that were there when she was born.

    So far Jovee is doing well on the medication and her family is so grateful they found the TSC medical team in Cincinnati as they are recognized as one of best teams in the world to treat this rare disease. Jovee and her parents Josh and Nicole have been to and from Cincinnati four times since November and will have to travel there three more times before her first birthday in September.

    While some clinical trials offer compensation, this one does not. The medication, lab work and doctor visits are covered by study funding. The family is financially responsible for the five EEG’s and four MRI’s (2 abdomen, 2 brain) she will have this year alone. While they do have health insurance, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital is out of network and because she is not yet having seizures (yay, the medicine is doing what it’s supposed to be doing) insurance will not cover multiple EEG’s or MRI’s in the same year, leaving the family with large out of pocket medical expenses.

    Unfortunately many have lost loved ones to TSC when it could have been prevented had they gone to a specialist. There is truly so much unknown and the family never wants finances to get in the way of receiving the care Jovee needs. They are so grateful to the Foundation for the generous donation. These incredible acts of kindness bring us so much hope for Jovee’s future. Thank you! 


  • Michel Family

    Shane was working out with you one day, and mentioned that he was going to a walk/benefit for Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) for our good friend's baby, Rose, who was born with CHD. Little Rose is 5 months old, and born with only 2 chambers in her heart instead of 4. She fights very hard, and her little heart works almost triple time to keep her functioning. 

    The doctors wanted to wait until she was one year old to do the heart surgery, but her lungs kept filling with fluid as the heart cannot do enough to keep her lungs clear and pump blood. On November 4th, Rose went through her first open heart surgery. Our hearts melt for this amazing family. They live in Kaukauna and would never, ever, ask for anyone's help, even though Rose has already had 2 surgeries and the medical bills are piling up. 

    A heart-felt thank you goes to the Ghost Town Foundation for helping Rose's family. It was amazing. Thank you for the prayers for her family, the surgeons, and Rose, THE WARRIOR, as she goes through something no parent would ever dream of for their child.


  • Hansen Family

    GTFC Foundation was happy to donate $2,500 to this family:

    Three weeks ago, I received the three words that no one ever wants to hear: YOU HAVE CANCER. It was devastating news for my family and I. Since then, I have had many scans and procedures to find out if the cancer has spread and what the next steps are.

    As of right now, the cancer is only in my liver. I will be undergoing a procedure next Friday to remove 50% of my liver where the tumor is located. I will most likely start Chemo and Radiation 4 weeks after, to make sure we kill any cancer the CT scans did not pick up.

    I have many emotions after finding out this news but I can promise you the one thing that has never changed is the fight I have to beat this. I refuse to allow cancer to take me away from my beautiful daughters and wife. Cancer will not win this fight. The only thing that I worry about is making sure my girls never see me in pain and never get scared by any of this. Thank you for all the love and support I have already received. I have the strength and fight to kick this cancers ass.


  • Chuck DuPrey & Family

    On 1/26/2021, Chuck DuPrey went grocery shopping in the morning and when he had gotten home, he wasn't feeling right. He lost all use of his left arm and felt very dizzy and lightheaded. He told his wife, Sarah, that he didn't feel right and to call an ambulance. 

    After the ambulance ride to TC-Appleton, which a stroke was originally suspected, they did testing and it was determined he had a mass on his brain. They then made the call and decided he needed to be transferred to TC-Neenah for further testing. With Covid, Sarah and her family were not allowed to be with him but Chuck text messaged Sarah through the day/night to keep her in the loop of what test was being performed next to the best of his knowledge. They knew with it getting so late they wouldn't get answers until the morning. They also found suspicious areas on his gallbladder and thyroid which turned out to be negative. Thankfully on January 28th, Chuck was able to come home.

    They put him on an oral steroid and a anti seizure medication because the swelling in his brain was quite large. Chuck and Sarah then prepared for their appointment with the Neurosurgeon on Monday February 1st to discuss the next plan of action. The ultimate plan was to go in for surgery on February 4th to remove this tumor in his brain and further determine what it is. Fast forwarding, Chuck's surgery on February 4th took just about 4 hours. They received news that no one wants to hear. The tumor may be an Adenocarcinoma but they will need to wait for pathology results which took a bit under a week to get back. Good news is they believe they got all of the tumor.

    After receiving the pathology results on February 8th, it was determined Chuck does have a Stage 4 Adenocarcinoma. What this means is they are trying to find out where else the cancer is in his body right now. Next step is to do a bone marrow biopsy February 11th, due to his platelets continuously dropping. He will also undergo a Gastroscopy. He is also undergoing P.T. to get some strength back in his legs and body from his brain surgery.

    This is a family that would do ANYTHING for ANYONE. They would give the shirt off their own back if it meant helping someone else. Anyone that knows this family, knows that. Chuck, Sarah, Hannah, Ethan, and Devin need our help more than ever right now. Chuck was the main provider for his family and the financial burden of that alone is hard to swallow. They may have a long road ahead of them but Chuck is ready to fight and kick cancers a$$!!!


  • Michael Woehrle

    On June 19th, Michael Woehrle was at a wedding rehearsal for his friend’s wedding and wanted to surprise them with fireworks. As he was launching the fireworks, one unexpectedly exploded in his hands. Unsure of what had happened at first, he looked down at his right hand to see his thumb gone with only bone remaining, while his left hand was completely blown in half. He immediately went into shock. His friends at the rehearsal rushed to him, taking off their belts to use as tourniquets to spare the bleeding while they waited for the ambulance. He was immediately brought to ThedaCare in Neenah.

    Michael was supposed to stand up in his friend’s wedding the next day but was unfortunately unable to be there due to being in the hospital. However, his friends had face-timed him during the wedding so he could still be a part of it.

    Michael has had two surgeries since the accident: the first surgery assembling his left hand back together and the second surgery removing the pins that were used. He has a third surgery coming up to remove the scar tissue left behind. His left hand has very little movement; only having feeling in the thumb and pinky. His right hand fortunately still has feeling, but also one broken finger and a missing thumb.

    After a couple months of living on disability at home because he cannot use his hand, Michael was tired of being cooped up and wanted to get out of the house. He called up Clay and asked if there was anything Ghost Town Fitness could do for him so he get moving again and start socializing with others. Clay of course said yes, told him to come on down, and offered him a free membership. Michael now comes to Ghost Town a couple times a week, currently working on therapy exercises for his hand including wrist rotations, squeezing motions, and stretches. His main goal is to develop use of his left hand again and be able to go back to work. Michael works as a steamfitter for the Local 400 Plumbers and Steamfitters Union. He has been there for 15 years now and does not want to go back as a one-handed steamfitter. However, his job is very understanding about the accident and giving him the time he needs.

    Michael is immensely thankful for his friends who helped him during the accident. They had saved his life. He is also very grateful and appreciative of Ghost Town Fitness and the GTFC Foundation for all they are doing to take part in his recovery.


  • Megan & Nick Stachowicz

    Nick was in a life threatening car accident early in November of 2018. This left him with head and back trauma that made it impossible to find meaningful employment. A year later, he was diagnosed with an aggressive form of multiple sclerosis. Nick has applied for disability but was denied. Since then, they have hired a lawyer to help with that process. 

    Megan, who grew up in the Kaukauna area (Dundas) was working three different jobs to and trying to make ends meet. She has continuous medical bills resulting from her diabetes diagnosis in April 2018. The generous donation from the foundation made it possible to pay some bills and enable them to stay in their home.


  • Tanya Hartjes

    I first wanted to start out with thanking everyone for the generous gift of money given to my family. Since my injury on March 1st, my family has been struggling with bills. I'm a single mom with 2 boys. One of my boys is going to college and my other son lives with me full time. I've been waiting over 12 weeks for unemployment to start. This gift of money was able to help pay some bills. Thank you again for everything.


  • Doll Fassbender-Boreson

    In early 2019, Dolly (Karen) Fassbender-Boreson became ill from an undiagnosed disease. She has been struggling, medically, since. Besides her medical issues, her husband had lost his employment due to the closing of his company. During this time, her condition deteriorated and has been struggling with headaches, dizziness, stomach issues and a significant loss of weight.

    The start of Doll's story begins with numerous doctor appointments with very little in results from these appointments. At first the doctors had thought it was a case of vertigo but that particular diagnosis was ruled out. Throughout this time she has still been suffering with her many symptoms but no answers.

    Since the symptoms had not relinquished, Dolly was unable to work. Fortunately she has had the support from family and friends. However, recently, her condition has been worsening. Currently she is in the hospital trying to find the answers to all of her medical issues.

    A few weeks ago she had a spinal tap which did not result in a final conclusion. Unfortunately this procedure sent her into a rapid decline in health. Recently they have found a mass on her lung and a spot on her kidney. 

    Dolly is a devoted wife, mother and grandmother. Her family and friends are rallying around Doll and the FAMILY appreciates all the support. Unfortunately the medical bills are adding up and the TEAM of supporters would appreciate any help for Dolly's expenses.


  • Erin Stuyvenberg

    Erin lives in Kaukauna with her husband, Jon, and two kids, Maddie (KHS 2018 graduate) and Trevor (Junior at KHS).

    Erin has an autoimmune disease which has left her with a combination of health challenges, including Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (PBC) requiring a liver transplant. Erin was on the transplant list for 6 years and finally received her transplant in September 2019.

    GTFC donated $300 in gas cards to assist in travel expenses.


  • Matt Saurbeir

    Matt Saurbeir's mother suffered from mental health issues and left the family when he and his brother were small children. The boys were left with their father who was impatient with his young sons, physically abusive, and neglectful of their emotional needs.

    In addition to his father's abuse, Matt & his brother also endured both physical and sexual abuse from babysitters and received no support, treatment, counseling, or services to help them deal with the abuse. As a result of this trauma and upbringing, Matt has struggled and continues to struggle with PTSD, severe depression, and anxiety. Matt turned to lifting to "work" through his feelings of anger and mistrust and gain "power" and respect. Although that may have been a healthy outlet, it did not provide the skills he needed/needs to cope with life's challenges.

    Matt has a good heart. He is a survivor, but he is struggling. He battles with finding the correct medication to help balance his anxiety and depression. As a result, Matt will use alcohol at times to numb the pain or quiet his brain. He has been in and out of the hospital seeking help the past few months. He has just completed a residential treatment program. Being in and out of the hospitals and in a month-long in-patient treatment center has prevented Matt from holding steady work. As a result, he is in a hole financially.

    Matt is currently working part-time at Ghost Town Fitness while maintaining his sobriety and the monies he has been given by the foundation has allowed him to put a deposit down on an apartment. He knows he'll never be wealthy, but what is more important to him is making a positive contribution to the community and the world. He wants to "do good". He'd love to find a comfortable work/life balance where he can earn steady pay and have insurance, but also do the things he enjoys: training, running, hanging out with a positive network of friends, volunteer in the community, and attend church/bible studies and AA meetings to continue to keep his demons at bay.

    Matt is a humble man who does not feel he "deserves" anything and has always lived with very little... yet he's managed to overcome and he's worked his whole life to try to get ahead and earn the respect that all human beings deserve.


  • Skenandore Family

    On September 2, 2018, I underwent a 13-hour transplant surgery for my liver and kidney at UW-Madison Hospital. I was first diagnosed in December 2016 of my liver failure which would also result in damage of my kidney. On September 1, I received a phone call that a donor was found and 17 hours later, I was being prepped for a surgery that would save my life! I still am facing some health issues related to my liver surgery and have had numerous hospital visits to Madison and area hospitals in Green Bay. The GTFC Foundation heard of my condition and provided my family a generous donation. Their donation has assisted us with expenses incurred with our continuous travel and medical expenses and helped with costs of bills that we faced as a single-income family. The GTFC Foundation has been able to provide some relief for our family and for that we are forever grateful.


  • Michelle Seefeldt

    In July, 2013 while playing in an adult soccer league game, I was stepped on by a male player. Little did I know the pain I was feeling would change my life. The pain I felt wasn’t anything extraordinary so I kind of ignored it thinking it would just take some time to heal. I continued playing soccer, running 5k’s, and was working out 4-5 times a week. Fast forward to October 2014 when I finally couldn’t ignore the pain anymore. I sought treatment from my primary doctor who couldn’t find anything wrong with my foot. The following month I was sent to a foot/ankle doctor who determined I had 3 fractures in my metatarsals. I was put in a boot hoping immobilizing my foot/ankle would help heal the fractures. That didn’t help. After trying many different treatments from cortisone injections to ultrasound bone stimulators and steroids, we finally decided it was time to surgically repair my foot.

    I had surgery on May 6 2016, almost 2 years after the original injury. It is during this surgery that my peroneal nerve was severed. What was supposed to be a 2 week recovery has ended up being a life changer.

    In October 2015 I was referred to pain management and physical therapy. The pain I was feeling wasn’t consistent with the type of surgery I had, so the doctor had concerns. It is then that I was diagnosed with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS or RSD Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy). When I was diagnosed I was told my quality of life would never be the same and boy, were they right!

    CRPS/RSD is a chronic neuro-inflammatory disorder. It is classified as a rare disorder by the United States Food and Drug Administration; however, up to 200,000 individuals experience this condition in the US alone, in any given year.

    CRPS occurs when the nervous system and the immune system malfunction as they respond to tissue damage from trauma. The nerves misfire, sending constant pain signals to the brain. The level of pain is measured as one of the most severe on the McGill University pain scale. There is no cure for CRPS and it is known as the “Suicide Disease.” (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome Association (RSDSA), n.d.)

    Since October 2015 I have endured 26 nerve blocks, 100’s of injections, CT scans, MRI”S, EMG’s, EKG’s, and many blood tests. Because CRPS is not well-known locally I was referred to a pain management specialist at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. I have traveled to Rochester 11 times over the last year seeking some relief and have undergone 5 surgeries having implants put into my spine in hopes of interrupting the pain signals from going to my brain. Unfortunately, I am still searching for relief.

    There are 4 stages of CRPS/RSD. In the stage I am currently in CRPS may spread to other parts of the body. Irreversible tissue damage occurs. Skin becomes cool, thin, and shiny. Contraction of the extremity may occur as well as atrophy of the limp (decreased movement in the joint). Skin atrophies (wasting away) and loss of movement or mobility can also occur. Due to these symptoms at times you may see me walking with my cane or walker and other times you may see me in my wheelchair. Which assistive device I need depends on my pain level and that can change day by day, minute by minute.

    Going from being an active, healthy person to someone wheelchair reliant at times has been a struggle but I try to stay positive, knowing that there are many others worse off than me. I choose to make the best of each day and couldn’t do it without the great support system I have fighting alongside me.

    Please take a minute to visit and to learn more about this life changing illness.


  • Ben Lauer

    On March 14th, 2016, Kaukauna lost one of it’s greatest residents, Benjamin M. Lauer. Ben has had a membership at Kaukauna Ghost Town Fitness since 2013, and his son’s continue to work out there almost every day. Ben was a man that everyone loved. He never had a bad word to say about anyone, and no one ever had a bad word to say about him. He was just one of those guys that would do anything for anyone if it would help them out. He ran the Family Business, Skid And Pallet Services in Menasha, along-side his dad, Greg Lauer, who he loved and respected deeply. He adored his sister Kay Schmidt, who is a school teacher in the New London area. He was a wonderful father to 2 children (Ashlee and Bradley) and 3 step-son’s (Jesse, Joshua and Jared). He was married to the love of his life Amanda Lauer, a local real estate agent with Century 21 Ace Realty. He was a member of the Harrison Volunteer Fire Department for 13 years. He worked out at Ghost Town Fitness about 3 times / week and has ran several Marathons and Half Marathons and was very healthy and in shape, which is why his unexpected passing was such a shock. He loved spending time with his Dad and his Uncles Norb Lauer and Jim VanderVelden, also of Kaukauna.

    Ben’s best friend was also his competitor Ron Young or R&B Pallets in Kaukauna. Only in a small town in Northeast Wisconsin will you find stories like that. They both grew up learning the businesses from their parents, and then took them over around the same time. Ron was his best man at his wedding and you would find them at “The Office” in Kaukauna having a “Management Meeting”.

    He loved working out, running, biking, Friday Night Fish at the supper clubs and cooking Sunday dinner on the grill for his family. He was mechanically inclined and could fix or maintain just about any piece of heavy equipment and if he had any free time, it was usually helping someone spread mulch or lay sod. He was a guy’s guy and always a gentleman with the ladies. He respected his elders and treated everyone as an equal. He ran his business with his whole heart and died with the respect of every single one of his employees, competitors and vendors.

    As his family continues to struggle with the loss of this great man, the community has rallied behind them and is always supportive. They are members of Christ The Rock Church in Menasha, and the support there has been wonderful, especially from Paston Lenz. Clay from Ghost Town Fitness has mentioned to Amanda and the boys several times that he is here if they need anything. The boys know that they can go to Clay if they have a problem. When Clay approached the family about honoring Ben with a bench along the CE Trail, they were very touched. Currently we are working on the specifications from the City of Kaukauna and trying to narrow down the location for the bench, but the family is SO VERY Grateful to Clay and his foundation for their generosity. 

    Ben is watching down from Heaven with his mom Toni and he is smiling. What a wonderful example of human kindness.


  • Jerimiah Voigt

    On October 13th, Jeremiah Voigt suffered traumatic head and chest injuries after being crushed under a vehicle during an emergency repair. The accident caused optic, nerve, and bone damage – resulting in complete vision loss and hearing damage in both ears.

    A legal trust has been established to assist Jeremiah and his family with the hunt to restore his vision and hearing. The Jeremiah Voigt Benefit Trust EIN number is 82-6754668. Additionally, family and friends are hosting a benefit to fund travel and medical costs for the journey ahead.

    We are asking for your help to make this benefit a success. A donation of a gift basket, gift certificate, service, or raffle item would help our efforts to provide support to the family. Financial donations to the Jeremiah Voigt Benefit Trust are gratefully accepted at any local Credit Union Branch.

    Jeremiah is a small business owner in the construction industry and is unable to work without his vision. Jeremiah is a providing husband-to-be to his fiancee, Mandy, and father to their three children – Mason, Madison, and Mia. He has strong passion for outdoors and enthusiasm for hunting that is contagious. Jeremiah has always been generous within his community and now is the time to return his generosity with your support.

    Thank you in advance for your consideration and donations to make this benefit a great success.


    The Jeremiah Voigt Benefit Committee


  • Brett Jedwabny

    Ghost Town Fitness Donated $2000 to Brett Jedwabny GoFundMe

    Brett can do all things through Christ who strengthens him. Thank you to the Waukesha PD, whom Brett's cousin Brandon works for. They made Brett this awesome sign, and honorary badge. One of our favorite quotes on there calls for Brett to fight like a musky and heal like a deer. So true, and something Brett easily relates too.

    Brett had a very difficult night as he starts weening off sedation. He becomes very agitated and neurostorms. Something that is very very difficult to see as a mom. Nicole has been a trooper staying back with Brett every night while I attend to Grant. He did finally settle in a bit and had himself a decent day. All sides feel we need to keep peeling the layers back on sedation to really see where Brett is at. This will be a slow and very hard process for us to watch, could even take a week or 2, that's up to him. Today we also took his cath out to limit chances of infection. That has gone smooth to this point.

    We were also made aware that Brett was offered up in prayer today at Lucas Oil Stadium and was prayed on by of 50,000 believers. The power of prayers is special, and Brett needs all the prayers he can get for healing beyond medical explanation, and for peace and comfort as he starts to become more aware. Every night we pray the Rosary over Brett around between 830 and 9 if anyone would like to join. The tingle and immense heat that filter through my body at this time is stunning. We truly feel the presence of Mother Mary. So please join along if you feel inclined.

    Again we love you all, and appreciate every prayer, every thought, and every well wish that is offered



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